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Take the Red Gold Challenge


Red Gold Tomatoes Challenge


At Red Gold Tomatoes, we stand by our promise of unmatched quality. We believe our tomatoes are the best on the market. So much so, that we challenge you to taste and see the difference. Put your taste buds to the test and determine how Red Gold compares to leading brand competitors, determining who wins for quality, flavor intensity, and consistency. You won’t be surprised when Red Gold Tomatoes far exceeds all competitors in color, size, and texture!


To follow along and take the Red Gold Challenge yourself, download the scorecard below and follow the instructions.




Win a $1,000 Visa Gift Card & 1 Year Supply of Red Gold Tomato Products

Follow the instructions below and complete all of the following activities to be entered for your chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card and 1 year supply of Red Gold Tomato products!

1. Follow @redgoldtomatoes on Instagram

2. Like the Red Gold Challenge Instagram post

3. Share by tagging your friends in the comments of the Red Gold Challenge Instagram post (each comment = 1 entry)


Please see the Red Gold Challenge Sweepstakes Official Rules for more details.


How to Take the Red Gold Challenge

We selected Whole Peeled Tomatoes for this cutting because all canned tomato types start as whole tomatoes in the process with no added flavors. This will give you a good representation of each brand's quality in other product types, such as diced, crushed, and sauce.


What you will need:

  1. One 28 oz. can of Red Gold whole peeled tomatoes

  2. One 28 oz. can of another leading canned tomato brand (i.e. Hunts, Del Monte, Contadina)

  3. A can opener, knife and spoon

  4. Two shallow dishes, preferably white, so that you can see the difference in appearance


Red Gold Challenge Rating Scale


Pour each can into a separate dish. For each attribute listed below, score each sample individually based on the intensity scale above. Use the words under the scale to guide you in assigning a number (example: If the tomatoes are really firm, you would choose a number at the higher end of the range. If they are really mushy, you would choose a number more towards the lower end of the range). 35 points is the highest a brand can score in this cutting. Follow the Red Gold Challenge Scorecard and rate on a 1-5 scale how Red Gold measures up to the other leading brands in the following categories:




Red Color

Canned tomatoes should never be dull in color or pale looking. Avoid tomatoes that have green or yellow shoulders.  The stronger the hue of red, the higher quality a tomato is going to be. Tomatoes that are left to ripen completely on the vine will be the higher quality tomato.


Red hue of Red Gold Tomatoes
Uniformity of Red Gold Tomatoes


Size Uniformity

How consistent are the sizes of each tomato in a can? Cans that contain both large and small tomatoes may indicate a quality issue. In addition, choosing a brand that provides consistent sizing is always a better value. You get more tomatoes for every dollar spent and consistent flavor.





Let’s face it, nobody wants to use soft, mushy tomatoes in their meals. Some brands of tomatoes over process their tomatoes and they end up exploding, losing flavor and become unappetizing.   Don’t jeopardize the deliciousness of your meals by using watery, mushy tomatoes. Trust us, your guests and family will notice the difference!


Integrity of Red Gold Tomatoes
Seeds and peel in Red Gold Tomatoes


Amount of Peel & Seeds in Each Can

One of the first signs of low quality canned tomatoes is the amount of peel and seeds present. This is an indication that the preparation process for canning wasn’t as good as it should be. Just remember: Excessive peels and seeds are bad!  No one wants to crunch on tomato seeds or have peels stuck to the roof of their mouth.


Juice (Media)

In the canned tomato business, the juice that comes with the tomatoes is called the media. Look for media that is thick and has a vibrant red color. Thin, watery media and faded color screams poor quality and no taste.  Some brands will use thick media to hide the color of their tomatoes, a simple rinse with cold water will show the true quality of a peeled tomato.  


Juice (Media) in Red Gold Tomatoes
Flavor intensity of Red Gold Tomatoes



Intensity of Flavor

If the canned tomatoes you bought don’t taste like they were picked at the peak of freshness, there is a better option! Top quality canned tomatoes practically jump from the can, bursting with mouthwatering flavor.   They also shouldn’t taste like the package; inferior tomatoes will taste metallic or have a strong pineapple taste.